- Open-Source Code Repository links
- Public Docker Repository links
- Installation and Configuration Guidelines
- API User Guide
- Explore available Workflows
- Monitor submitted Transformation Orders
- Monitor Transformation Orders with Manager user
- Submit a Transformation Order
- Request specific Transformation Order (by ID)
- Filter accessible Orders (by Status)
- Filter accessible Orders (by SubmissionDate)
- Filter accessible Orders (by CompletedDate)
- Keycloak Interface
- Access Token request
- Queries Execution
- Tutorials
Open-Source Code Repository links #
The release package of Transformation Framework is available on a dedicated Open-Source GitHub
Public Docker Repository links #
The relevant Docker images are available on dedicated Public Docker Hub repositories:
- https://hub.docker.com/r/collaborativedhs/esa_tf_restapi/tags
- https://hub.docker.com/r/collaborativedhs/esa_tf_worker/tags
Installation and Configuration Guidelines #
Installation of the Transformation Framework takes place via docker compose.
Software pre-requirements #
The following software must be pre-installed on the Virtual Machine:
- Docker engine (>=20.10)
- Docker compose (>=2.0)
- make (>=3.81)
- curl (>=7.75)
- unzip (>=6.0)
- tar (>=2.8)
Installation #
The following commands will install a version of Transformation Framework software:
curl -LJO https://github.com/DHS-
unzip esa_tf-<TF-VERSION>.zip
cd esa_tf-<TF-VERSION>/esa_tf
make setup
In order to start the docker compose, it is then necessary to configure properly the following files:
- .env
- config/hubs_credentials.yaml
- config/esa_tf.config
- config/traceability_config.yaml
Finally, the following command pulls the docker images from the Public Docker Repository and starts the docker compose:
nohup make up &
Configuration #
Please refer to the Installation and Configuration Manual for details about the configuration.
Please find it here attached.
API User Guide #
The Transformation Framework exposes a REST API, which stores and catalogues data.
Through this interface, the Framework allows:
- the retrieval of an input product to be transformed.
- the submission of request for data transformation, including user defined parameters.
- monitoring the progress of transformation processes.
Explore available Workflows #
Method: HTTP GET
Monitor submitted Transformation Orders #
Method: HTTP GET
Monitor Transformation Orders with Manager user #
Method: HTTP GET
Submit a Transformation Order #
“sen2cor” Plugin #
Content Type =application/json
"WorkflowId": "sen2cor_l1c_l2a",
"InputProductReference": {
"Aerosol_Type": "RURAL",
"Mid_Latitude": "AUTO",
"Ozone_Content": 250,
"Cirrus_Correction": false,
"DEM_Terrain_Correction": false,
"Resolution": 10
“eopf” Plugin #
Content Type =application/json
"WorkflowId": "eopf_convert_to_zarr",
"InputProductReference": {
"dask_compression": "zstd",
"dask_comp_level": 1,
"dask_shuffle": 2
Request specific Transformation Order (by ID) #
Method: HTTP GET
Filter accessible Orders (by Status) #
Method: HTTP GET
{{SERVICE-ROOT-URI}}/TransformationOrders?$filter=Status eq 'completed'
{{SERVICE-ROOT-URI}}/TransformationOrders?$filter=Status eq 'in_progress'
{{SERVICE-ROOT-URI}}/TransformationOrders?$filter=Status eq 'failed'
Filter accessible Orders (by SubmissionDate) #
Method: HTTP GET
{{SERVICE-ROOT-URI}}/TransformationOrders?$filter=SubmissionDate ge '2022-
Filter accessible Orders (by CompletedDate) #
Method: HTTP GET
{{SERVICE-ROOT-URI}}/TransformationOrders?$filter=CompletedDate le '2022-
Keycloak Interface #
In case the Transformation Framework is configured to support Keycloak Interface for Authentication
and Authorization, an Access Token from the Public Keycloak client is needed to be retrieved and used.
Please refer to Installation and Configuration Manual [COPE-SERCO-TN-21-1218] and Keycloak
Installation and Configuration Manual [COPE-SERCO-TN-21-1229] for details about the configuration
involving Keycloak.
Please find it here attached.
Access Token request #
Content Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
--data-urlencode "grant_type=password"
--data-urlencode "client_id=<PUBLIC_CLIENT_ID>"
--data-urlencode "username=<USERNAME>"
--data-urlencode "password=<PASSWORD>"
Extract the “access_token” variable from obtained response.
Queries Execution #
Queries towards the Transformation Framework instance should always provide an Authorization
Method: HTTP GET
Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Method: HTTP GET
Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Tutorials #
Please find available Tutorials at the following link: