DHS Suite Easy Deploy

Open-Source Code Repository links #

The release package of DHS Suite Easy Deploy is available on a dedicated Open-Source GitHub repository:

Installation and Configuration Guidelines #

The DHS Suite Easy Deploy allows to install DHS suite software in a single VM or in a distributed environment by using Docker Swarm.

Software pre-requirements #

The following HW requirement are recommended to install the entire DHS suite:

  • CPU: Minimum 16 cores, with additional cores required for Transformation Framework (TF) depending on the scale of deployment
  • RAM: Minimum 32 GB, with an additional 6 GB per TF core
  • DISK: Minimum 350 GB of storage to accommodate the installation and operation of all components

The following software must be pre-installed on the Virtual Machine:

  • Docker engine >= v20.10.21 (on each node in case of distributed deployment)
  • Docker compose >= v2.12.2 (on each node in case of distributed deployment)
  • SOLR >= 8.0
  • Postgres >= 10.12
  • Kafka>=3.3.1
  • Zookeeper = 3.8
  • Linux NFS package

The following additional pre-requisites shall also be considered for a proper tool installation:

  • The machine hosting the suite must have the “/shared” folder configured in the “/etc/exports” file and exported as an NFS volume to the subnet with the other nodes of the Docker Swarm cluster
  • In case of installation in a distributed environment, the Docker Swarm cluster shall be created

Installation #

The DHS Suite Easy Deploy package must be downloaded under /home folder by ‘root’ user.

After the download it is needed to unzip the package and go inside it where is the installer script:

unzip /home/dhs-suite-easy-deploy-<version>.zip
cd /home/dhs-suite-easy-deploy-<version>

The installer script “2-click-installer.sh” has only one parameter, the list of software installable comma separated.

To install all software of the DHS suite, the command to be executed from ‘root’ user is:

./2-click-installer.sh "copsi,dafne,tf,sf,iam,gss-admin,gss-ingest,gss-catalogue,gss-notification"

It is also possible to install one or more DHS components using the 2-click-installer.sh command by passing the name of the components to be installed as comma-separated arguments e.g.:

./2-click-installer.sh "copsi,gss-notification" 
./2-click-installer.sh "sf"

Configuration #

The only file to configure the DHS Suite Easy Deploy tool is the “config.cfg” stored in the installation folder.

The configuration files of the DHS software that users want to install using DHS Suite Easy Deploy tool shall be configured according to the relevant Installation Manuals.

Please refer to the Installation and Configuration Manual for more details about the configuration:

Supported DHS components versions #

The DHS Suite Easy Deploy tool version 1.1.0 is applicable to the following DHS components:

  • COPSI v3.0.1:
    • copsi 3.0.1
  • DAFNE v3.0.2:
    • dafne frontend 3.0.2
    • dafne frontend 3.0.2
    • dafne frontend 3.0.2
  • Transformation Framework v1.5.3-osf:
    • esa_tf_restapi latest
    • esa_tf_worker latest
    • scheduler dask 2023.3.2-py3.10
    • nginx 1.21.6 (release version: 1.5.3-osf)
  • Semantic Framework v3.6:
    • virtuoso-opensource-7 latest version
    • sf-datareceiver v3.6
    • semantic_framework v3.6
    • sf-natural-language v1.4
    • custom version ciam-swarm-keycloak 1.0
  • GSS v1.4.3:
    • cdh-admin 1.4.3
    • cdh-catalogue 1.4.3
    • cdh-ingest 1.4.3
    • cdh-notification 1.4.3

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